From Surveillance To Agency: How To Center The Internet On Humanity
GLIAnet founder Richard Whitt on how we can redesign the Internet to center on people, not companies.
GLIAnet founder Richard Whitt on how we can redesign the Internet to center on people, not companies.
25 years ago, Sharon Terry learned that her children had a rare genetic disease - and that trying to cure it would mean changing the way research is conducted.
Helena Puig Larrauri, co-founder of Build Up, on transforming conflict in the digital age.
Combating fake news is a big part of getting the health crisis under control, says Science Feedback founder Emmanuel Vincent.
As hospitals prepare to take in more patients with the coronavirus, they are in acute need of life-saving equipment: ventilators that help patients breathe, face masks and protective gear.
AI expert Miguel Luengo on why outsourcing the moral responsibilities of AI is not an option.