Navigating the labyrinth of business, with all its twists, turns, and occasional trapdoors, has offered the most rewarding experiences.

Let’s start with the good stuff. Over the years, I’ve had the incredible privilege of crisscrossing five continents, from the bustling streets of New York City to the tranquil shores of Madagascar. As a keynote speaker and trainer, I’ve had the honor of gracing stages, ballrooms, and boardrooms, sharing insights, igniting inspiration, and providing conscious leadership, value-aligned business growth, and sustainable social solutions to countless souls. The YouMeWe Amplified Podcast also fires me up. I’ve had the pleasure of conversing with awe-inspiring women from 25 countries, all united by their drive to make a sustainable social impact. Each one is a force of nature in their own right. Now that’s empowering!

Of course, it hasn’t all been champagne and caviar. Entrepreneurship has a knack for throwing curveballs when you least expect it. Cash flow fluctuations? Thanks to checking writing a book off the bucket list. Then there’s the perpetual guessing game of “When’s the next gig?” Yeah, been there, done that, got the stress-induced wrinkles. And let’s not forget navigating perpetual unexpected, like addressing 2000 souls amidst the chaos of a buffet lunch – now that’s a tale of pandemonium worth sharing!

And then, just when you think you’ve cracked the code, along comes the pandemic, throwing mortgage payments into the ring. Because, let’s face it, adulting was already a high-stakes game, and 2020 decided to crank up the difficulty level. Only to be complemented by the persisting “no pay for speakers” event strategies.

But amidst the chaos and the curveballs, lies the golden nugget of opportunity. It’s the people we meet along the way – fellow dreamers, believers, and doers, each adding their own vibrant hue to the mosaic of our adventure. It’s the places we go, the cultures we immerse ourselves in, and the perspectives we gain – each one expanding our horizons and enriching our souls. And let’s not overlook the friendships forged in the fires of entrepreneurship – bonds that withstand the test of time because when you’ve weathered storms together, you’re bonded forever.

And let’s not forget the perks of being your own boss—like choosing when and for how long you can take a vacation, assuming the no-gig, mortgage, and cash flow haven’t momentarily put you on pause.

So, here’s to 21 years of audacious dreams, relentless hustle, and unwavering determination. Here’s to the good, the bad, and the opportunity – because, let’s be real, it’s the messy bits that make the story worth telling.

Cheers to the next 21 years, my fellow adventurers. Let’s make some mischief, shall we? 🥂

What is your favorite part of this entrepreneurship adventure?

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Suzanne F. Stevens - YouMeWe
Suzanne F. Stevens - YouMeWe

Conscious-Contributions™ Cultivator & Amplifier: International Speaker | Author | Community Builder | Multi-Award-Winning Social Entrepreneur. YouMeWe Amplified Podcast is part of YouMeWe Social Impact Group Inc.— Growing leaders’ and entrepreneurs’ influence and social impact. |

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