Sibongile Sambo
Founder & Managing director of SRS Aviation based in South Africa - the first 100% black female owned aviation company that offers clients professional and personalized flight options to destinations around the world.

Gia Whitehead
Gia Whitehead is the Sustainability Director/Founder of TSiBA Education, Gia was recognized as one of South Africa’s 100 Brightest Young Minds in 2002. Gia was also awarded Top Women Entrepreneur of the Year 2012 (Topco Media).

Tisha Greyling
Tisha Greyling is a Principal and Director, Golder Associates Africa, Pioneer in public participation in South Africa. Tisha founded the first company that focuses on Public participation & engagement of Stakeholders in South Africa. Words of Wisdom: "Nothing is ever simple on your path to reach your dream or your goal. Accept that and don’t see it as a stumbling block. Have a plan A, plan B, plan C and still be able to think on your feet."

Gita Goven
Founder & CEO of ARG Design. Words of Wisdom "There is a depth of dignity, reliance and wisdom and huge generosity in the spirit of African women. Bring it out. Stand together and work together."

Marsha Gabriel
Founder & President, The CSI Business Congress, Showcasing Business response to HIV/AIDS, Owner OF De`Ma Restaurant, Durban South Africa.

Angela Dick
Founder & Chief Executive Officer, Transman, South Africa, a temporary worker placement agency serving over 11,000 workers since inception in 1983.

Ela Gandhi
Founder & Trustee Gandhi Development Trust. She is a founding member of the Natal Organization of Women, which joined the ANC Women’s League, joined the ANC and the SACP in which she was chosen as a central committee member. Ela was nominated and accepted to serve on the Legal Aid Board of South Africa.

Gcina Mhlophe
International Professional Story Teller, writer, director, and author. Gcina has worked tirelessly for the past 11 years running NOZINCWADI - Mother of Books Literacy Campaign to help make South Africa a reading nation.