youmewe make your contribution count

weWednesday: How big is your backyard?

In this episode, consider how to make your contribution count: When you contribute, where do you focus first, why? Do you feel people should take care of their local community first, why? What issues capture your attention, and why?   weWednesday subscriber exclusive – short weekly video infusion of how to live your most meaningful life by […]

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youmewe make your contribution count

weWednesdays: Parents words matter as kids head back to school

In this week’s episode … consider how to make your contribution count: What words are you saying to encourage others to their full potential? What do you wish you were told when you were young? What words does your child (or colleague) need to hear most, now?   VIDEO weWednesday subscriber exclusive – short weekly video […]

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weWednesday: Questions, not quotas

In this week’s episode consider: How do you reward performance? What are your hiring practices? How did your organization go about selecting causes?   weWednesday subscriber exclusive – short weekly video infusion of how to live your most meaningful life by consciously contributing to your community, country, and beyond. Subscribe on the right to weWednesdays to receive it in your […]

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youmewe make your contribution count

Micro-questions, effective bias buster on the road to equality

I have a confession. This weWednesday, Micro-questions, effective bias buster on the road to equality, and many before, not to mention the YouMeWe mindset, is inspired by interviews with over seventy women pioneers in Africa. What you may not know is by profiling these leaders I have another objective – to expose the world to […]

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youmewe make your contribution count

weWednesday: Micro-questions, effective bias buster on the road to equality

In this week’s episode consider: How can I get to the heart of a bias? What can I do to bust a bias? How can equality be promoted in the workplace?   weWednesday subscriber exclusive – short weekly video infusion of how to live your most meaningful life by consciously contributing to your community, country, and beyond. […]

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Your micro-behaviours can create a micro–amuck: Perceived bias responses in the workplace.

What micro-behaviours do you often demonstrate? For example: Have you ever walked into a meeting and just said hello to a couple people? Have you ever delivered a presentation and only made eye contact with half the room? Have you ever walked up to a colleague and ensured there was lots of distance between you? […]

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weWednesday: Your micro-behaviours can create a micro–amuck

In this week’s episode consider: What biases am I revealing through micro-behaviours? What are the consequences of revealing my biases to colleagues? What can I do to minimize their impact?   weWednesday subscriber exclusive – short weekly video infusion of how to live your most meaningful life by consciously contributing to your community, country, and beyond. Subscribe […]

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youmewe make your contribution count

weWednesday: Is labelling people creating boxes or circles?

In this week’s episode consider: Why do I use labels to define someone? What would happen if society removed labels? How could I be more inclusive if I eliminating labels?   weWednesday subscriber exclusive – short weekly video infusion of how to live your most meaningful life by consciously contributing to your community, country, and beyond. Subscribe […]

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