News & Updates

New interviews coming soon!
YouMeWe Amplified has a number of projects on the go. We have an exciting list of interviews lined up ... so stay tuned for the next release announcement and learn from the Changemakers transforming where we live and work with sustainable social solutions.

A Professor of multi-cultural Mechanical Engineers interviews Suzanne F. Stevens
Suzanne F. Stevens is interviewed by Barb Stuhlemmer, of Bliz Business Success, for her multi-cultural class in Mechanical Engineering Technology. The course focuses on Ethics, Economics, and Entrepreneurship at Georgian

Book launch: Make your contribution Count – International Women’s Day
March 8, 2020 – International Women’s Day, Suzanne F. Stevens launches her first book at Wasaga Beach Chamber of Commerce — Make your contribution count for you, me, we. With over a hundred

Welcome to the news feed
Suzanne F. Stevens, CSP, After 17 years changes the focus of her Speaking business – to be less about Me and more about We. Suzanne F. Stevens ignites leaders & entrepreneurs to cultivate cultures of community conscious contributions™. Suzanne is a social entrepreneur, international speaker, pioneer, host, philanthropist, and soon to be an author. In 2016, thirteen years after founding […]
The post welcome to the news feed appeared first on YouMeWe.

TIAW honours Individuals who Make a Difference
TIAW press release Suzanne F Stevens 2014 Suzanne F. Stevens the founder of YouMeWe Foundation fund receives a World of Difference Award given to 100 women internationally. The International Alliance for

Suzanne F. Stevens interview on Life Unlimited – Conscious Contributions™
Stephanie Staples interviews Suzanne F. Stevens about Conscious Contributions™ - check it out! Your Life, Unlmiited with Stephanie Staples & Suzanne F. StevensTodays conversation just made me want to contribute more

100’s Share their appreciation for African Women’s insights
Wisdom Exchange TV cultivates, celebrates and inspires future leaders, viewers tell us.

Wisdom Exchange TV is proud to be a part of first – ever Pan African summit and trade expo
Wisdom Exchange TV is proud to be a part of first - ever Pan African summit and trade expo, African Business Women (ABW) Connected, to be held in Ethiopia in

Wisdom Exchange TV is a media partner: Alliance 54 to host Africa Global Women in Business Forum – London
Alliance 54 to host Africa Global Women in Business Forum Meeting to promote financial Inclusion for Africa Women especially in the diaspora London 09 August 2013 In a bid to achieve sustainable development in Africa and for the African people globally through promoting financial inclusion especially for women, Alliance 54 is hosting the Africa Global Women in Business Forum in London on 30th – 31st, October, 2013.

Suzanne F Stevens speaks at CCAfrica on African women leaders strengths & opportunties
In this short presentation at the CCAfrica's African Women Trade & Investment Opportunity Conference, Suzanne F Stevens shares pioneering African women's strengths - which we all can learn from and opportunities for African women to expand their business impact. These insights are based interviewing women pioneers all over Africa over 20 months and continuing.

Suzanne F Stevens speaks at CCAfrica
May 28, 2013 a wonderful event was hosted by Canadian Council on Africa / Conseil Canadien pour l'Afrique - African Women Diplomatic Forum promoting trade between Canada and African women.Suzanne

Women in Africa 2012 – Time to Invest
Attend the Inaugural ̈Women in Africa 2012 – Time to Invest" - in Nairobi Kenya Oct 17 & 18 2012. WIA - Time to invest will bring together individuals across multiple continent, sectors and backgrounds. Our aim is to share, inspire and encourage current and future entrepreneurs and leaders and emphasize that the time to invest in women is now more than ever. Learn more...

Wisdom Exchange TV Celebrates 50 Interviews
On August 23, 2012 Wisdom Exchange TV celebrates our Fiftieth interview with African Leading Ladies and Leading Ladies who love Africa - it has been a true honour to interview

Wisdom Exchange TV celebrates Leading Ladies
Living Your Leadership Legacy - Inspired by African Leading Ladies. Watch a 7 minute video which gives you a very small taste of the accomplishments of Leading Ladies. Africa Women Pioneers, trailblazers and Leaders of Many are interviewed every other week on a FREE web-enabled platform. They share their strategies, tactics, Leaderships Lessons and Words of Wisdom in business, politics, philanthropy and education.