Madeleine Shaw, Co-Founder, Aisle
Interview on WisdomExchangeTv with Madeline Shaw, Co-Founder, Aisle: Providing safe, effective & sustainable menstrual options designed for comfort.
Interview on WisdomExchangeTv with Madeline Shaw, Co-Founder, Aisle: Providing safe, effective & sustainable menstrual options designed for comfort.
Interview on WisdomExchangeTv with Njeri Thubei, Founder of Upendo Women’s Foundation.Providing access to quality sustainable hygiene & health education for girls and women
As hospitals prepare to take in more patients with the coronavirus, they are in acute need of life-saving equipment: ventilators that help patients breathe, face masks and protective gear.
Veterinarian and public health advocate Dr. Gladys Kalema-Zikusoka on why wildlife health and human health go hand in hand, and how we can prevent the next epidemic.
Founder & Director, Lesotho Child Counseling Unit, Lesotho. An orphanage that she founded in 2001 to provide a temporary and safe home for the rehabilitative care of sexually, physically, and emotionally abused children.
Managing Director, Gone Rural, Swaziland. Impacting hundreds of rural women by creating jobs through high-quality hand-crafts. During Philippa's tenure, she has doubled business turnover, quadrupled artisan incomes, and fostered a positive economic impact on Swaziland’s rural communities by enabling women to earn money while maintaining their customary lifestyle.
Founder of Beacon of Hope, a faith-based and community NGO instituted to address the HIV/AIDS pandemic among women in poor communities. Registered in 2002 perform work in Ongata Rongai, Nairobi, Kenya.