9 Tips to maximize productivity
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The post TIPS TO LOOK PRESENTABLE IN VIDEO CALL appeared first on Virtual HR.

How can you increase productivity while your teamworks from home
The post How can you increase productivity while your teamworks from home appeared first on Virtual HR.

Are Your Employees Struggling Financially? Start with Economic Empathy
How Companies Can Create Trust and Help Workers Build Financial StabilityBy Ennie Lim, HoneyBee co-founder and CEOImagine it’s a weekday morning. You have your coffee and you’re all ready to go to work, but your car won’t start. The tow truck takes you...

Going into 2020: How do you build a strong work force
Potential investors are more attracted to businesses that have empowered their employees and engaged them to go above and beyond to satisfy customers and ensure the company’s success. Ultimately, highly engaged employees boost company values. There are five critical activities you need to employ to build a strong workforce: 1) Recruitment is where it all begins. Hire …
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Landing the perfect recruit for your Organization.
Is there anything like landing the perfect recruit? At VirtualHR we believe that to get a perfect fit for your organization you need to follow a set of processes to land the right candidate. Below is a sample breakdown which may vary from organization to organization 1.Improve Your Candidate Pool When Recruiting Employees Companies that …
Read More "Landing the perfect recruit for your Organization."
The post Landing the perfect recruit for your Organization. appeared first on Virtual HR.

When is the right time for a salary raise
1) When is the right time for a salary raise Do you think there is an exact time to ask for a salary raise and what factors need to be considered before you request for a salary raise. Below are 6 signs that will evaluate if the time is right for a salary raise. 1)Your …
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Gladys Ogallo on Wisdom Exchange TV
The Managing Director of Virtual HR Gladys Ogallo talks about women in leadership in an interview with Suzanne F. Stevens of Wisdom Exchange TV. View Video